Optivet Referrals is Europe's leader in small animal and equine specialist-led veterinary ophthalmology referrals - we have a large hospital in Hampshire and satellite services in five locations around the U.K. - more to emerge over the coming years.

At our Hampshire hospital, we also provide high level small animal specialist-led surgery (orthopaedic / soft tissue), internal medicine, cardiology, pain management and behavioural referrals supported by specialist-led anaesthesia.

When you refer a case to us, we want you to feel that we an extension of your practice. We often recommend that clients' pets are bought back to you for follow-up treatment if appropriate and we will never perform work outside of our remit unless requested to do so by yourselves.

Why refer to us?

Speed of Referral


Ease of Referral


24 Hour Care


Specialist Input


Fantastic Outcomes


Great Communication